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Home > Communicating With Your Students > How can I distribute additional learning material to my students?

How can I distribute additional learning material to my students?

Teachers can upload material and make it available to students. You may upload documents, images, audio files, video files. The individual file size is restricted and the total for your resources area is limited – you can see this limit and the amount remaining on the manage resources screen

On the setting pages choose your course, edit and then manage resources tab.

If you have previously uploaded material you will see it here.

Choose Add resource. You may now browse a local file system to identify the resource and then upload the file, giving it a name that will be familiar to your students.

You can also add a note to give the student more information.

On the resources screen you can control the order of the resources (by dragging and dropping using the control on the left) and perform basic housekeeping by deleting material that is no longer of use.

See also

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