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Home > Assigning Teacher-graded Practice Activities and Tests > How many attempts is a student allowed for a Practice activity, assignment or Test?

How many attempts is a student allowed for a Practice activity, assignment or Test?

Practice activity (auto-graded):

Your product will have a default number of attempts that a student may have, up to and including unlimited. You may override this on the Teacher settings page in Expert mode. You can also amend it when you assign a practice or test.

The Activity Cycle

First attempt: Student attempts an activity, and submits. The activity is auto-graded and the score/grade is sent to the Gradebook. The student views which questions they got correct or incorrect, and (where applicable) can view feedback on the questions they got incorrect.

At this point, providing the number of attempts has been set to more than 1, the student may Try Again

Subsequent attempts: Student re-tries only the questions they got incorrect, and submits.  The activity is auto-graded and the new score/grade is sent to the Gradebook. 

The activity cycle settings control when the Show Answer button is revealed. If the student chooses to see the answers, the screen will show the student’s correct answers, but will also show the other answers.

If the student wants to try the whole Practice activity (auto-graded) again from the start, they can access from the Table of Contents on the Course screen and follow the same cycle as above, providing the number of attempts have not been exceeded.

Practice activity (teacher-graded)/Test (auto-graded/teacher-graded)

Teacher-graded activities are also controlled by the activity settings.

A student may attempt a writing or audio-submit activity as a practice – the teacher will not need to grade this work, the student will have access to a model answer so a comparison can be made. No score is sent to the gradebook (but the teacher can see that an attempt has been made).

Assigned Practice (teacher-graded)/Test (auto-graded/teacher-graded)

The teacher may assign a writing or audio-submit practice activity. In this case the teacher will mark the attempt and the score will be recorded on the gradebook.


Un-scored activities

Some products have assignable activities that do not result in a score being recorded in the Grade book, for instance a game or a reading text. You will however be able to see on the gradebook the time the student has spent, and the number of times the activity was opened.

See also

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